Nourished: Nutrition and Mindset Programme

In the diet culture we live in today, I see so many people on super strict diets with tons of food rules, where they might lose a little weight at first, only to gain it all back and then some. It can become hard to listen to our body's natural biofeedback (hunger, energy, cravings, fullness/satiety, and satisfaction) because they have been replaced with "rules" and best practices; eat every three hours, don't eat carbs, can't eat past 6 pm, etc. Best practices are ONLY as good as their ability to be consistently implemented FOREVER.

The Nourished Program teaches strategies (based on the #moderation365 curriculum) to move you away from:

  • A scarcity mindset – “This might be the only time I can have this, so I need to do it up right.”
  • Sense of urgency – “I start my diet on Monday, so I have to get all my ‘fun eating’ in before then.”
  • Illicitness – “I can’t have X food in the house, I don’t trust myself to be around it!”
  • Moralization – “I was bad/good.” OR “I fell off the wagon.”
  • All or Nothing Mindset

The Nourished Program:

  • Nutrition Assessment and group 30-minute implementation call to review your assessment, set expectations for the program and do a download on your current struggles and goals.
  • 12 weeks of prerecorded modules where I teach and break down each section of the curriculum into digestible pieces so you can actually practice and implement the tools provided.
  • Weekly group zoom coaching calls. A space where you can ask questions and get customized feedback each week so you can be successful.
  • Lifetime access to recordings
  • Access to private Facebook community so you can connect outside our calls.
  • Voxer access to me for on the fly troubleshooting and to celebrate wins between weekly zoom sessions.
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